Developed 4 press releases:
· Public meeting explaining the project objectives
· Kick off of the project
· OSWAP program for Palo Alto County
· BMP Challenge meeting
Held 2 public meetings:
· Held in Ayrshire @ the Legion explaining the project
· Held @ Iowa Lakes Community College regarding the BMP Challenge, no-till / strip till incentives in the 5 county area, and the Iowa Soybean Association watershed programs.
Enrolled 65 acres for the no-till / strip-till state incentive program within the watershed, and promoted the enrollment of 178 additional acres outside the watershed.
Completed a wetland restoration project on 2.6 acres.Enrolled 10.9 acres in the CRP CP-21 Filter strip program.
Enrolled 7.1 acres of CP-33 CRP Buffer program.
Installed 11 rock inlets in the watershed using PACGDC funds.
Sent information to lakeside residents pertaining to good lawn care techniques by reducing the use of commercial fertilizers and chemicals.
Sent information to all producers in the watershed regarding no-till / strip till incentives.
Sent information on the CP-38 SAFE program to 47 producer in the watershed.
Signed on a CREP site - intent to continue - for the completion of the survey to be complete during the fall of 2008.
Gave an oral report at the annual SWCD banquet in addition to a written report for the annual SWCD newsletter.
Met quarterly with the advisory committee.
Contacted the landowner and “new” tenant about getting started with the solar watering system. They met at the area but got rained out. Made contacts with the DNR as to the chances of getting a cistern type well. It does not appear this can be done. Have also talked with a local resident about avg. well depth and the idea of drilling a well. This lead to the speculation of connecting to the electrical line that is approx 500 feet off the pasture property line. We are still considering all options with the focus remaining on getting the cows/calves out of the lake.
Sent meeting information regarding the Pasture and Grazing seminar to area cattlemen.
Began a water monitoring program partnering with the Iowa Soybean Association.
Contacted the County Engineer for ideas on improving the sediment catching ability of the creek feeding Silver Lake entering on the north side of the lake. He has not gotten back due to local water problems. He will call when he goes to look things over.
After a no-till review, it appears as if the no-till acres have increased from 600 acres in 2005 to 1160 acres in 2008. This also include fields where the residue is 50% and above. It can be difficult when producer roll the fields after planting to know exactly what the practice is. This is an increase of approximately 1%.
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